Monday, January 4, 2010

Ladder Stands vs. Climbing Stands

Let your hunting area choose your stand
North American deer hunters commonly use tree stands as a tactic to move into position on potential game. Depending on your hunting area, there are several choices to choose from when considering tree stands. Ladder stands and climbing stands have their own positives and negatives and a successful hunter should know how to use both effectively.
Hunters have been using tree stands for hunting deer and other big game for several decades. They were developed with the idea to elevate the hunter off the ground to see more area and eliminate scent from the animal's path and line of sight.
Ladder stands offer an easy and permanent way to access your hunting area. Depending on surrounding brush, the ladder stand will lead the hunter to an established position off the ground that is typically adjusted in four feet extensions. Climbing stands function as a two piece stand consisting of a chair and platform. A hunter will elevate or climb into the tree by alternating the chair and platform until the desired height is reached.
Ladder stands are more secure and comfortable than climbing stands. The climbing stand offers more versatility if you decide to change your stand placement based on the movement pattern of the animals.
Today's climbing stands are very compact, lightweight, and portable. Weighing in at under 10 pounds, a climbing stand is easily carried on a hunter's back. Ladder stands, however, can weigh around 45 pounds and have several ladder extension pieces and a bulky platform.
If you are hunting with an inexperienced hunter or youth, a ladder stand is a great option for the stability, comfort, and safety level. Occasionally surrounding brush, trees, and other cover limits your ability to hang a ladder stand or climb specific trees. Consider every tree in a particular area to help decide whether a ladder stand or climbing stand is the best option. Most hunters who regularly hunt public land will choose climbing stands due to the fact of local and state tree stand regulations and to prevent theft.

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