Saturday, February 20, 2010

How to Process Elk Meat

Harvesting a mature elk is no easy task but the work has just begun. The real work starts after the kill when it is time to process the elk. Elk can weigh 1,000 pounds, which makes it difficult to maneuver on the side of a mountain. Efficient field care is the start to a long process to get the meat into the freezer. Having several friends join in the processing of the elk meat can make the job much easier.
Step 1
Field dress the elk as soon as possible after the kill to cool the carcass. Keep the hide and meat clean and dirt free during transport by using game bags. Put ice in the chest cavity if necessary based on the temperatures. Allow the carcass a couple of days to age if you can control the temperature range, allowing natural enzymes to tenderize the meat.
Step 2
Remove the hide and skin from the carcass by starting from the rump and pulling the hide down over the rear legs and shoulders. Cut around the joints in the legs so the hide will continue to pull all the way over the neck.
Step 3
Debone the rear quarters by cutting around the pelvis and femur. Remove the front shoulders by cutting inside the shoulder socket. Take your time removing the backstraps from both sides of the spine. Finish by cutting off meat from the neck, ribs and brisket.
Step 4
Lay the meat on a cutting board and separate into smaller muscles. Follow the natural lines in the muscles and remove any fat, silver skin, blood clots, dirt or hair.
Step 5
Cut steaks from the backstraps and other muscles from the rear quarters. Extra meat from the rear quarters can be made into roasts or stew meat. Shoulder and neck meat can be put through the meat grinder for hamburger or cut into stew meat. Put the ground meat in meat tubs and prepare for packaging.
Step 6
Label the vacuum seal bags with the cut of meat and date of processing and fill with the appropriate meat. Vacuum seal the meat to remove any air that can lead to freezer burn. Place the bag in the freezer as soon as the seal is complete.
Things You'll Need
Game bags
Cutting board
Meat tubs
Vacuum sealer
Vacuum sealer bags
Keep the meat cold and get it to a freezer as soon as possible after the harvest.
Keep your knife sharp by routinely running it through a knife sharpener during the process.
Avoid contamination by always washing your hands and sanitizing the processing tables and equipment.

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