Thursday, October 22, 2009

Recipe: Hot Turkey Poppers

Wild turkey breast
Jalapeno peppers
Cream cheese

Leave no seed behind: Halve about 12 jalapenos then gut them so you won't inflame the sinuses and other senses of your guests' nasal passages.Italian soak: Marinate one wild turkey breast in your favorite brand of Italian dressing for 24 hours. Cut the turkey meat into pieces that will fit easily inside the pepper halves.Culinary glue: Spread cream cheese inside the pepper halves and place the turkey strips on top of the cream cheese. For insurance, add a toothpick. Wrap a bacon strip around the outside for a second insurance policy.

The Not-Hots: Not everyone wants to cry and have hot flashes while they're eating. Another high-yielding garden pepper, the banana pepper, is a great jalapeno substitute.

Grill Away: Place the peppers on the bbq grill and cook until the bacon is done. Let them cool before serving.

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